Risk-Based Vulnerability Management

Identify, target, and prioritize the greatest risks to your customers' business.
No hardware required.

Prioritize vulnerability management and remediation

Bring CVSS and EPSS scores into the context of your customers' environment and data.

Reduce your risk

Materially reduce your customers' business risk when patching

Measure the cost

Understand your customers' liability with Cavelo’s cost of breach metric

Show your progress

Track the historical effect of vulnerability management efforts and activities

Prioritize vulnerability management and remediation

Bring CVSS scores into the context of your environment and data.

Reduce your risk

Materially reduce business risk when patching

Measure the cost

Understand your liability with Cavelo’s cost of breach metric

Show your progress

Track the historical effect of your vulnerability management activities

We make it easy to manage your time

Bring CVSS and EPSS scores into the context of your environment and data.


Leverage Cavelo’s vulnerability scanning to discover CVE vulnerabilities across your customers' laptops, desktops, servers, and network peripherals – and sort them by CVSS or EPSS score.


Make it easy for your customers to use their systems securely - and hard for them to violate data policies – with Center for Internet Security (CIS) benchmark mapping.


Focus your team’s time and effort on remediating the vulnerabilities that affect your most sensitive data to reduce business risk and liability.

vulnerability management made easy

Protect your customers' most valuable assets

Traditional vulnerability scanning and scoring doesn’t account for the intricacies of your customers' business and IT environments. Cavelo's risk management includes both vulnerability and configuration scanning to help you harden security against both threat actors and employee behavior.

Cost of breach and historical vulnerability reporting enable teams to focus remediation activities on reducing risk and liability, and demonstrate value to your customers.

What to expect

Vulnerability scanning for Mac, Windows, and Linux endpoints

Endpoint, internal network, and external vulnerability scanning

Industry-leading vulnerability feeds with regular updates from a top-tier provider

Vulnerability scanning support across 9,700+different vulnerable products

CIS benchmark scanning for configuration recommendations

Historical tracking to demonstrate the effect of your vulnerability management activities

"Cavelo's vulnerability engine has allowed us to execute the same coverage we were achieving previously, with less resource utilization than  other vendors in the vulnerability space."

William Ercolano

Eze Castle Integration

Seamless service integrations

We integrate with all the technology you and your customers are already using so you can get started in minutes.

Do you want to partner with us?

Become a Cavelo partner and help your customers address today’s top priorities, from digital transformation to regulatory change.

Coworkers leaning over a desk and smiling

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a difference between risk and vulnerability?

Yes, there is a difference. Vulnerabilities are specific weaknesses or flaws that could be exploited, while risk is the broader concept that encompasses the likelihood and impact of those vulnerabilities being exploited by threats.

What is a Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) score?

CVSS scores come from a standardized framework for assessing and communicating the severity of security vulnerabilities. In short, CVSS scores help security professionals prioritize and address vulnerabilities based on the severity they pose to systems and data.

What is risk-based vulnerability management?

Risk-based Vulnerability management prioritizes the remediation of vulnerabilities based on their potential impact on an organization's security posture and overall risk profile. Instead of treating all vulnerabilities equally, the primary focus is on identifying and addressing the vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk to the organization's assets, operations, and reputation.

Do you have any other questions?

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We’re confident you’ll love Cavelo. But if we’re not a good fit for your unique business security needs, no hard feelings.